I don’t usually do these questionnaire thingies, but I needed a break from the mundane.
Here’s a long one that I lifted from
Alexandra’s blog:
Are you in a relationship?
I am married to the most kindest, gentlest & generous man ever. For those of you who know him, you know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.
Do you hate more than 3 people?
um….I think so. I try not to hate people, in general. I try to incorporate the philosophy of hate the action, not the person. But there are people out there that are just up to no good. Period.
How many houses have you lived in?
I have lived in 2 houses. The first being the one that I grew up in (which burned to the ground a few years after my family moved out, killing one person- yikes!). The second one being a huge house that I shared with 5 other people in college. (On a side note--NEVER live with 5 roommates. ever. You think it’s a good idea to get all this space but, really, it’s not.
What is your favorite candy bar?
I’d have to say Mounds is my fav. I have never been a huge candy bar person (except at Halloween time when I was a kid). I was usually more of a cookie kind-of-a-gal. But I do love dark chocolate and mmmm….coconut!
What are your favorite shoes?
wow. Toughie. This is a hard one for me. I was born with wacky feet. I’m not sure what it is but I have highly sensitive pedis. I often buy shoes that I think are comfortable and then live in them for a month & realize they just aren’t going to be broken in. For real, I get blisters galore very easily. TMI? Well….you asked! :) I guess I will say my boots that I just got resoled at the lovely shoe repair guy near where I live. He did a beautiful job & they look shiny & new. I’m thrilled to be wearing them again…I’m wearing them right now!
Have you ever tripped someone?
As a joke, maybe, or an accident. Never maliciously.
Do you own a Britney Spears CD?
Hell no.
Have you ever thrown up in public?
Dude, I was 7 years old. I was in second grade and feeling a bit under the weather but didn’t really know how sick I was. My teacher was assembling us for our reading session (remember when READING was a subject? Lord, I feel old!). Yeah, so Mrs. Carbone was getting everyone together at the reading table. I started to feel something wonky in my body so I went up to her to tell her that I wasn’t feeling well. “Mrs. Carbone, I don’t feel very….HUUUUUUUGHAAHHHHH!” all over my phonics book. How embarrassed I was! The whole class was full of “EW!” and “GROSS!” Seriously, I felt FINE after that. Ever get that way, you puke & then feel all better? That was this, except I had to contend with the embarrassment factor. The teacher called the janitor through the intercom system, shouting to have someone clean this up and then she called for the nurse to come & get me so she could calls my parents to pick me up. I didn’t want to go home! I wanted to stay! (well, I was only 7, that was my social life!) It was horrible. Hmmm….more TMI?
Name something that's always on your mind?
What’s my next appointment?
What is your favorite music genre?
mmmm…I’d have to say rock & roll. Nothing like rock inspired by blues. It gets the blood flowing & heart happy.
What is your sign?
What time were you born?
Do you like beer?
Perhaps too much?
Have you ever made a prank call?
Stupidly yes, in elementary school with a bunch of other young girls, bored out of our minds.
What is the most embarrassing CD you own?
I think I have many “embarrassing” cds. Does being a former metal-head mean anything to you? I keep all cds for nostalgia.
Are you sarcastic?
Is Elton John gay?
What are your favorite colors?
variations of blues and reds
How many watches do you own?
a few. One that I wear daily & a couple others that need repair of some sort, a new band, new battery, etc.
Summer or winter?
tough one. I hate being hot, but Chicago winters tend to be gray & dark with lots of people hibernating. At least there’s air conditioning in the summer…and lots of fun activities to do….so, I’ll have to say SUMMER
Spring or fall?
Oh man, I’m a huge AUTUMN person. I just LOVE the brisk weather, the changing leaves, the anticipation of Christmastime and getting back to wearing big sweatshirts and boots again. I could do without the allergies tho…but Spring has those too. Autumn, all the way!
What is your favorite color to wear?
It has to be black. I choose black because it’s simple, solid, goes with everything & slimming. Yeah. Black.
Pepsi or Sprite?
DIET COKE, my liquid crack, by choice.
What color is your cell phone?
um…silver? Scratched up, smudgy silver. It’s “need new phone” color.
Where is your second home?
New York.
Have you ever slapped someone?
yeah, that was a long time ago. Sorry.
Have you ever had a cavity?
too many! I think I’ve had 4, but I’ve also had 2 root canals, thanks to my grinding of teeth in my sleep!
How many lamps are in your bedroom?
How many video games do you own?
Um, I think we own frogger with a joy stick (awesome!) and sega and something else. Yeah, I don’t play with them hardly ever, so I forget what we have.
What was your first pet?
Dusty. A half irish setter, half golden retriever. Poor Dusty. He jumped over our six foot fence one time and was captured by the dog pound. Those as*holes beat him. So, when he jumped over the fence the next 2 times, he became violent & bit 2 people. We had to put Dusty to sleep after that. I was 7 years old.
Have you ever had braces?
Nope, but prolly coulda used ‘em.
Do looks matter?
Wish it wasn't like this...Unfortunately, looks matter A LOT in our society. I’d love to say that they don’t for me (& a lot of times I would be right), but truth is, they do.
Do you use chapstick?
yeah. Watermelon flavor please!
Name 3 teachers from your high school:
High School? I cut too many classes in high school! Let’s see.
Mrs. Dachs (groovy honors English Teacher)
Mr. Mentz (yearbook class- he looked like Gary Shandling)
Mr. Gold (Now known as Dr. Gold- Chorus instructor)
Wow, that was hard. Truly, I had to take time to think!
American Eagle or Abercrombie?
Neither. Unless they are from the thrift shop.
Are you too forgiving?
Sometimes, but every woman has her breaking point. Then, watch out!
Do you own something from Hot Topic?
I think I used to. That is my brother’s favorite store. I think I owned cool toe socks from there. They were black & white striped knee-hi’s & looked like knit gloves for your feet!
What is your favorite breakfast?
scrambled eggs (whites with one yolk), melted cheddar, 3 slices turkey bacon and an onion bagel. Mmmm.
Do you own a gun?
What? No.
Have you ever thought you were in love?
there was one time that I thought I was in love & then realized I wasn’t. That was many years ago and I have fallen in love a few times since then. I’m now married to my greatest love.
When was the last time you cried?
The other day when talking with a friend about leaving your roots, growing up and then returning to your roots to make peace.
What did you do 3 nights ago?
reviewed lines for a play & started packing for a trip I’m taking to my friend’s wedding.
When was the last time you went to Olive Garden?
I think I was 15 years old. In Florida.
Have you ever called your teacher mom?
Have you ever been in a castle?
Funny, the wedding I’m going to is in a castle. I can’t wait! Although, I think I will feel slightly underdressed. Does anyone have a sword?
What are your nicknames?
Coon, Coony Tunes, Coonster, Landee.
Do you know anyone named Bertha?
Have you ever been to Hawaii?
Do you own something from Banana Republic?
I doubt it. It’s possible that I used to own something from there, but I got it via thrift store.
Are you thinking about somebody right now?
um, no…should I be?
Have you ever called someone Boo?
Hell to the no.
Do you own a diamond ring?
nope, believe it or not…I don’t like ‘em.
Are you happy with your life right now?
very…now if I could just find a way to get a little more sleep!
Does anyone like you?
Not really. They're all fakin' it. :)
What were you doing May of 1994?
what??? I can’t remember what I had for dinner last night! But, I think I was working on a show called PARADE @ Bailiwick Repertory. I only remember because we worked on that show for 6 months.
McDonald's or Wendy's?
Neither but McDonald’s if I HAVE to choose.
Do you like yourself?
getting a little personal, eh? Yeah, I like myself. Sheesh!
Favorite feature of the opposite sex?
The face. A kind, honest face.
Are you afraid of the dark?
only if I think something is going to get me.
Have you ever eaten paste?
Tooth paste? Tomato paste? Yes. If you are talking about GLUE paste, then no.
Do you have a webcam?
Have you ever stripped?
Onstage for a production of GYPSY ....& only private viewings. There’s that TMI again.
Diamonds or pearls?
What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
I think it was the latest SUPERMAN movie. I liked it more than I thought I would. But Margot Kidder was a much better Lois Lane, I must say. And there is NO replacement for Christopher Reeve.
What are your favorite TV shows?
I don’t watch TV anymore. I used to love Three’s Company as a kid. What does that say about me? I did rent SIX FEET UNDER within this past year & thought is was fantastic.
What did you have for breakfast?
oatmeal and cantelope. Green Tea.
What is your middle name?
Michelle. Weird, huh?
What is your favorite cuisine?
I love pizza and can’t live without it.
What foods do you dislike?
no fish please, no mushrooms, brussel sprouts, green beans or mushrooms. NO MUSHROOMS, do you hear??? There’s more, but it would take too long.
What is your favorite CD at the moment?
Who has time to listen to music? I do love the latest Fiona Apple cd, Extraordinary Machine.
What kind of car do you drive?
my husband’s
Favorite sandwich?
hot turkey and cheddar with mayo & lots of ripe tomatoes
What characteristics do you despise?
Ignorance, Intolerance, Entitlement
What are your favorite clothes?
sweats and sports bra
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?
Spain and Amsterdam
What color is your bathroom?
yellow and off-white
Favorite brand of clothing?
I don’t really have one, I guess anything that fits. Can we please get back to normal jeans? No more of this drop waist crap. I have a normal waist! Thank you.
Where would you want to retire to?
Retirement? I don’t think that will ever be in my cards. I will always crave the arts as long as I am able. However, retiring from the day job would be nice. I do love San Francisco.
Favorite time of day?
2pm on a day off
Where were you born?
Cooperstown, NY- home of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Go Yanks!
Favorite sport to watch?
um, baseball…when the yanks kick the white sox’s butt.
Are you a morning person or night owl?
This question has always confused me because I am an afternoon person. I do best between 10am- 8pm. I’m not a morning person & I get too sleepy at night time…so call me an afternooner.
What did you want to be when you were little?
a veterinary assistant and a rockstar
What is your best childhood memory?
I remember this one time when I was very little, like 4 years old, my mom was curling my hair with the curling iron & the top just popped off of it & shot across the room. It wasn’t dangerous or anything, but it surprised us both so much that we laughed for a long time about it.
Eye Color?
Ever been toilet papering?
Favorite day of the week?
Saturdays, knowing that I still have Sundays!
Etta James said it best when she said "I want a Sunday kind of love!"