Friday, September 08, 2006

The Coon Chronicles: Part 1

After I received that email from “Y” the other day, I have been thinking about all of the times my name has brought about bizarre situations. So, I figured I would share them with you, one by one.

The first instance of a bizarre situation inspired by my last name of COON I will tell you about … is one that I need to give to my dad. He has had this name for way longer than I and I will always remember this story because I have heard it so many times in my life. Here we go…

My dad was in college. Upstate New York. He was a pre-med student and I think married to my mom already (if not they were surely dating & getting ready to be married). While my dad has always been a high achiever scholastically, he also loves his sports. Not only watching them on TV, but PARTICIPATING in them. He often enjoys a good game with healthy competition and in this case, it involved basketball.

As far as I know, he played the game with a bunch of guys (a lot of them happened to be African American) and after, got back into the men’s locker room. As everyone was changing/freshening up…whatever…(although I doubt basketball guys call it “freshening up” but I digress…)…as they were in the men’s locker room after the game, one of my dad’s friends was looking for him. Someone who hadn’t been playing basketball. Now, let me just preface this part my mentioning that whenever you have a one-syllable name, people LOVE to call you by it. It’s a catchy, quick way to connect with your friend and might I add that I often hear people calling each other by their last names as a term of endearment. Yeah. This poor sucker did not think before he leaped. So, as you might have guessed…My dad was still in the locker room, as were many of his team mates. It’s the early 1970’s. And this white guy is looking for my dad, pokes his head into the men’s locker room & shouts “Hey Coon!”

Well, my dad knew that he would be witnessing his friend’s funeral if he did not answer that call IMMEDIATELY. So he rescued him.

My dad always laughed while telling that story but you could see the severity of the situation on his face when he told it. This is just one…of MANY situations where Coon has inspired bizarre-ness.

Stay tuned…


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