Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Civil Rights

Alexandra Billings, a brilliant performer, teacher, writer, and thinker shares her views on Proposition 8, which recently overturned the Supreme court decision to allow gay marriage in California:

good advice...thanks Alex!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

President- Elect: Barack Obama!

I was at the Invitation- Only event at Grant Park in Chicago last night.

What an amazing experience. I'm still emotional from the whole thing.
Our country needed this outcome so badly.
I was fortunate enough to be able to attend, see Barack speak in person, and share the experience with some dear friends.
Thank you Steve, Stephen Rader, Brian Kirst, Rus Rainear, Cory Fowkes and Ewa Kolacz. Eric McCool- you're awesome & I'm so glad you joined us! You made that kid's YEAR!

Some videos to share below. Enjoy!
It is a day to celebrate. Tomorrow we roll up our sleeves & start getting this country back in shape!

What it was like at the event early in the evening- "Signed, Sealed, Delivered":

"Signed, Sealed, Delivered" from my husband's camera:

Bad music at the event?:

Your Love is Lifting Me Higher:

Barack walks out onstage

Barack's first words in Chicago:

Post election, outside of Grant Park-the streets of Chicago at midnight:

Monday, November 03, 2008

“Come on up for the rising”

Thanks to Rader for pointing this out...
An amazing entertainer and American, Bruce Springsteen has joined Barack Obama on the campaign trail.
You can read about it here
and here
and here (And, I’m sure, many other spots)
Words from the Boss’ lips last night:
"I believe that he understands in his heart, the cost of that distance in blood and in suffering in the lives of everyday Americans. I believe as president, he'll work to bring that promise back to life and into the lives of so many of our fellow Americans who justifiably lost faith in its meaning. Now in my job, I travel around the world, I occasionally play to big stadiums, crowds like this, just like Senator Obama does. And I continue to find out that wherever I go, America remains a repository for people's hopes, their desires. It remains a house of dreams. And 1,000 George Bush's and 1,000 Dick Cheney's will never be able to tear that house down. That's something that only we can do and we're not going to let that happen. This administration will be leaving office. That's the good news. The bad news is they're going to be dumping in our laps the national tragedies of Katrina, Iraq and our financial crisis. Our house of dreams has been abused, it's been looted and it's been left in a terrible state of disrepair. It needs defending against those who would sell it down the river for power, for influence, for a quick buck. It needs strong arms, strong hearts, strong minds. It needs someone with Senator Obama's understanding, his temperateness, his deliberativeness, his maturity, his pragmatism, his toughness and his faith. But most of all, it needs us. It needs you, it needs me. And he's going to need us. All that nation has that keeps it from coming apart is the social contract between us, between its citizens. Whatever grace God has decided to impart to us, it resides in our connection with one another, in honoring the life and the hopes and the dreams of the man or the woman up the street or across town. That's where we make our small claim upon heaven....Tonight and today, we are at the crossroads. We are at the crossroads. And it's been a long, long, long time coming. I'm honored to be here on the same stage as Senator Obama. From the beginning, there's been something in Senator Obama that's called upon our better angels and I suspect it's because he's had a life where he's had to so often call up on his better angels. And we're going to need all the angels we can get in the hard road ahead. So Senator Obama help us rebuild our house, big enough for the dreams for all our citizens, because how well we accomplish this task will tell us just what it does mean to be an American in the new century, what the stakes are and what it means to leave in a free society. I don't know about you, but I know I want my country back. I want my dream back. I want my America back. Now is the time to stand with Barack Obama and Joe Biden, roll up our sleeves and come on up for the rising."

Thanks Bruce. You are an inspiration to me.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Goodfellas in 30 seconds- re-enacted by bunnies

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