Thursday, April 03, 2008

Meet Christopher Hitchens

The other night, I watched a documentary called The Trials of Henry Kissinger,

based on the book by Christopher Hitchens.

Ignorance is bliss, my friends. I won't lie to you. You will sleep much better believing that the leaders of your country are peace-seeking folks with the people's best interests in mind. But, it is not true. Here's the wikipedia page for immediate reference, tho it does not even BEGIN to tell of Kissinger's atrocities. Henry Kissinger is a war criminal and should NEVER have won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973. If you want to be informed, rent this film. I assure you it doesn't regurgitate the same lies in your school history books.

Christopher Hitchens also wrote the New York Times #1 bestseller God is Not Great, which I have not read yet. However, I am currently reading his book, The Portable Atheist, which my loving husband gave to me on Valentine's Day. (My honey is a smart guy.) I haven't gotten very far yet, but the introduction was amazing! Here's a small excerpt (click to enlarge):

Hitchens is quite intelligent, well-researched and speaks from a very human level regarding religion and politics. I may not agree with everything he has to say, but he certainly deserves to be heard. I highly recommend this book already, even though I haven't even read it yet! Go rent the documentary!


Blogger Stephen R. said...

Hitchens is sometimes one of the panelists on REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER and he's always one of my favorites. Extremely well informed, opinionated and with a wit dryer than Noel Coward's martini!

Thu Apr 03, 04:49:00 PM  
Blogger Ernie Gonzalez said...

You're so smart, you're watchin these docs and I'm watching The X-Factor on MTV.


Fri Apr 04, 10:41:00 AM  
Blogger Alanda said...

Rader- Well, I guess I'll have to see Bill Maher's show sometime!

Ernie- Nah, not smart, just too pissed to be silent any more...

Fri Apr 04, 10:50:00 AM  

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