So today is World AIDS Day.
It is also my brother's birthday. He's 27 now. I called him this morning with a rendition of Happy Birthday & made sure to get his e-card out to him.
For me as a kid, December 1st had always meant that I get to celebrate the birth of my youngest brother, Devan, and in the youngest years, I could anticipate the possibility that I may get to participate in the ritual birthday spanking.
I remember when World AIDS Day was introduced to me. I remember the red ribbons. I remember the people who took a stand and started talking about the problem.
Well, the problem has not gone away, friends. It's been 25 years and it's still here. The cover of the Chicago Free Press this morning states that "every 8 seconds someone else is infected with HIV." They estimate that almost 40 million people have HIV now. And if you still think AIDS is a "gay disease"...think again.

World AIDS Day has a huge affect on me every year. It's not just another day to me, not because it's also my brother's birthday but because I know so many who had first hand experience dealing with this disease.

Today I donated to a great Chicago organization, Season of Concern, who has helped people living with HIV and AIDS for many years now. I made the donation for my friends who have passed and those who still struggle with the disease. I also made the donation because I love my brother. He doesn't have AIDS and he's not gay & I don't even know if he knows anyone personally who struggles with the disease. But I donate because I am lucky to have my brother here, safe, on his birthday. I hope that someday there will be a cure for those infected and for those who will get infected in the future.
If you are inclined, you can donate to Season of Concern
Thank you!