Come On Illinois....

Ok Illinois, let's get on with it.
There are 5 states ahead of you who have finally realized that the
current marriage laws are discriminatory towards gays and lesbians. Can
we please get with the program?
We've waited long enough (and this is coming from one of the lucky
straight people that can get married whenever I please, without having
to answer to anyone- hmmm, just because I'm straight.)
It seems so elementary that all people should be able to function with
the same rights in our society, yet this is just one of many issues that
religion has gotten in the way of, regardless of the fact that we are
supposed to be a free society that does not subscribe to any one
religion alone, but, in fact, we are allowed to practice (or not
practice) any religion we so choose. So, why is our society still
listening to the religious zealots who are interfering with our laws?

Let's go, Illinois. If we can get our act together, maybe the rest of
the country will follow & we can end this nonsensical discrimination.