kucinich is out

here it is:
it's too bad. kucinich had the most integrity in all of the democrats running. don't get me wrong, i knew he wasn't elect-able (just look at him), but he really was the best choice & i was hoping to give my vote to him on primary day in illinois. just to vote my conscious instead of choosing the "lesser of the evils" once again.

i used to like obama, (& still do, half-heartedly) but I believe he has been bought during this presidential bid. you can tell in his speeches now, he sounds more like a traditional democrat now than he ever did before his announcement to run, submitting to negative remarks about his running mates and . before he announced his running, he sounded like the best thing to happen to american politics. it's a shame.
still, with kucinich gone, the most liberal choice is obama now. let's hope he doesn't see too many campaign & special interest dollar signs that he forgets that the war in iraq should never have started. i already doubt he will get us out of iraq if elected.
you have let us down, barack, when we need you most. please come to your senses and be that guy you used to be. dare to inspire the audacity to hope again.