A Film Not To Be Missed!

I have to hand it to him....he has a good point.
If you have not seen SICKO yet, please do.
The American people need to know how they are being treated by their government.
We, as a country, need to acknowledge that our government does not care about our well being. How did we let this happen when most of the western civilization has FREE healthcare?
I know I recently had surgery that cost $40,000. That's right. $40,000!
I was at the mercy of my health insurance company to approve my claim, but they could have easily denied my claim like any one of those other patients in Moore's film. Then, just for being "ill"... I could have bankrupted myself & my husband, or become homeless or worse yet...if it was cancer, I could have died because of poor health coverage in America. We ALLOW this to happen by letting our government be bought by big insurance & drug corporations.
Please, if you care at all about your life, or the lives of your loved ones, see this movie & then do NOT vote for any politician who does not support universal healthcare. Who cares if they are part of the republicrat parties...this should be more important than politics because it affects our basic human desire to LIVE. Illness strikes all people.
This is a pretty great clip of an interview of Michael Moore with Bill Maher.
Even if you hate Michael Moore & his past films, this film IS important to you and worth seeing. It has a lot of humor in it as well, even with the grim topic.
I am proud of Michael Moore for persuing this important issue, for taking a stand and for bringing the topic to more forefronts of American minds. Let's not be blind anymore, America. Don't just take it from the capitalistic "man". Please spend some time thinking about this issue and act accordingly.
Amen!! I haven't seen SICKO yet (cause of the vacation and all), but I will be seeing it in the coming week.
From all of the interviews I have seen so far, I know that what you say is true - - EVERYONE should see this film! EVERYONE!!
Great post!
Thanks Rader. Yeah, I've been mentioning SICKO to a lot of folks lately & it is disturbing how many people DON'T want to see it because they don't want to get upset.
yeah, they WANT to remain ignorant. That's exactly what the government & insurance companies HOPE the American public will do...so they can continue profiting from indirect murder. I think it's worth getting upset about!!!
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