Monday, August 21, 2006


Wow! We had a wonderful show for TRAMPS LIKE US last Tuesday and a reviewer from cabaret hotline came to see it, unbeknownst to me. Carla Gordon, Thank you so much!

Here’s the site:

Here’s the review!



Reviewed by Carla Gordon

While I happily listen to rock music on radio, I avoid rock concerts. Rock concerts I attended stimulated senses. My preference is live cabaret performance that stimulates emotions.

These personal, (admittedly subjective as hell) opinions are why Alanda Coon's "Tramps Like Us" is remarkable. "Tramps"(Performed at Katerina's, is entirely music written by Bruce Springsteen. Of course, I have heard "The Boss" sing on records and television. His presence is intense, but my middle aged ears struggled to hear each word. What Alanda Coon brings to Tramps Like Us is the commitment of cabaret; namely that the words and the emotional journey take no back seat to rhythm or volume.

This is noteworthy because Coon brings a powerhouse vocal instrument. Her voice is smooth, flawlessly pitched and rich. She moves seamlessly from growl, to croon, to belt, to whisper. This brings life to Springsteen's story oriented tunes and variety to the program. Alanda is among few singers who creates vocal whisper with resonance to fill both air and lyrical meaning.

A pitfall with single composer shows is that tunes begin to sound the same. Little comedy operates in Springsteen's compositions, but arranger, Mike Descoteaux overcame that obstacle. His arrangement of the classic "Fire" transported us into a hilarious love triangle with both the desired boyfriend (guitarist Tim Meade) and nerdy pursuer (Descoteaux) both praising the fire of Alanda's kiss. Reacting positively to Meade and indifferently to Descoteaux created needed laughter in a program of otherwise intense material.

Descoteaux's musical arrangements were layered and volume issues between vocal and instruments resolved after the first few tunes.

"Tramp's" outstanding moment occurs when Coon, puts down her microphone yet fills the room with her sound and Springsteen's words in "City of Ruins:

"There's a blood red circle on the cold, dark ground
And the rain is falling down.
The church door's blown open
I can hear the organ's song
But the congregation's gone."

Alanda's congregation was anything but gone. Her audience was enthralled.

Coon has a genuineness and humility that warms an audience in ways that talent alone can't. She shared with us her family's Springsteen addiction along with their buzz words to describe it ---Bruce Juice! Alanda added interesting anecdotes about Springsteen, the citizen. Springsteen, a liberal, was not thrilled when then President Ronald Reagan (a conservative) helped himself to "Born in the U.S. A." as a campaign theme song. Realizing it inappropriate to offend the office of the presidency, Springsteen increased his own efforts on behalf of causes reflecting his personal beliefs.

I was pleased to see "Tramps Like Us" performed at Katerina's. Katerinas, regarded mainly as a jazz club, is an excellent, intimate cabaret space. There are sofas, restaurant tables, and a sense of homeyness in the eclectic furnishings and dcor. Beyond the cocktails, and the variety of smaller to larger dishes, Katerina's offers the special quality that a few owner-managed clubs capture. Katerina herself is there, greeting audience members as guests in her cozy home; with smiles and hugs. Let's hope more cabaret artists and programs find their way to Katerina's. (Singers: Check into Katerina's jazz open mike each month.)

KATERINA'S CLUB is located at 1920 West Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL - 773-348-7592 -

Copyright, 2006 by Carla Gordon


Blogger Jules said...

*sigh* that was lovely. :-)

Tue Aug 22, 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fan-frickin'-TASTIC, girl!

Wish I could have been there, and proud (and humbled) to say I knew you when...

Tue Aug 22, 12:11:00 PM  

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